"We need you to plant more, and we need more of you to plant, so there's pollen and nectar from March to October!"
Feed The Bees resources for gardeners will be posted as they are developed, sourced or become available. We encourage you to share this information with your family, friends, colleagues; communities; local, regional and national elected officials; local, regional and national governmental and non-governmental organizations; on your website(s) and across all social media networks.

Articles, Publications and Videos
“A Plea for Bees’ Needs ~ how to encourage backyard biodiversity”
Video presentation by Dr. Elizabeth Elle, SFU Department of Biological Sciences
Attracting Beneficial Insects with Native Flowering Plants
Department of Entomology, Michigan State University (opens 2.358 MB PDF file in new window).
Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native Bees
A USDA and Pollinator Partnership Publication (opens 1.6 MB PDF file in new window).
Bee Friendly Plants for Your Garden and Farm OUR OWN STUDY
An easy-to-use resource list for local gardeners or farmers based on observations of which perennials attract the most pollinators courtesy of Earthwise Society (opens 1.4 MB PDF file in new window).
British Columbia Summer Nectar and Pollen Sources: Fact Sheet 905
BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Provincial Apiculturist (opens 314 KB PDF file in new window).​
Garden Guide for Pollinators
The Pollinator Partnership (opens 132 KB PDF file in new window).
Managing Alternative Pollinators
A Handbook for Beekeepers, Growers and Conservationists
SARE – Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (opens 5.2 MB PDF file in new window)
Pollinator Conservation in Three Simple Steps
The Xerces Society (opens 194 KB PDF file in new window).
Pollinators … what’s the buzz?
David Suzuki Foundation (opens 202 KB PDF file in new window).
RHS Perfect for Pollinators Plant List
Royal Horticultural Society – Sharing the best in Gardening (opens 1.0 MB PDF file in new window)
Selecting Plants for Pollinators
A Guide for Farmers, Land Managers and Gardeners in the Pacific Forest-Mixed Lowland Region
The Pollinator Partnership™ and the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (opens 8.44 MB PDF file in new window).
Your Urban Garden is Better with Bees
North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (opens 179 KB PDF file in new window).