"We need you to plant more, and we need more of you to plant, so there's pollen and nectar from March to October!"
Feed The Bees resources for farmers and those in agriculture and agri-business will be posted as they are developed, sourced or become available. We encourage you to share this information with your colleagues; communities; elected officials; governmental and non-governmental organizations; industry advocates and associations; suppliers, on your website(s) and across all social media networks.

Articles, Publications and Videos
Conservation and Management of Native Bees in Cranberry
University of Maine Technical Bulletin (opens 463 KB PDF file in new window).
Landowner’s Guide to Conserving Native Pollinators in Ontario NEW
Farms at Work and Peterborough County Stewardship Council (opens 2.1 MB PDF file in new window).
Managing Alternative Pollinators
A Handbook for Beekeepers, Growers and Conservationists
SARE – Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (opens 5.2 MB PDF file in new window)
Selecting Plants for Pollinators
A Guide for Farmers, Land Managers and Gardeners in the Pacific Forest-Mixed Lowland Region
The Pollinator Partnership™ and the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (opens 8.44 MB PDF file in new window).
Six Steps to Protect and Encourage Native Wild Pollinators on Your Land NEW
Farms at Work and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (opens 307 KB PDF file in new window).
Trees for Bees Programme
The Federated Farmers of New Zealand Bee Industry Group (opens 537 KB PDF file in new window).